Long time no update, so looks like it's time to tell you what's going on lately on my yard.
First thing. When I wrote Sigmore Mines (version 1.0) I played it few times.. I thought that I have a final version. I uploaded it on getjar (this was at the beginning of February) and I were happy of feeling that I have done something to the end. Now, just few minutes earlier before I started typing this post, I uploaded to getjar SM version 1.05.. Looks like some people enjoy my game and actually play it - which is good, while they play they find bugs - which is good and bad... Good because I can fix bugs and make my game more enjoyable, bad because my game shouldn't have any bugs.. No I don't claim that I'm some super human who creates bugs free code, but some bugs where so stupid that they shouldn't ever be in first place. For example bug which makes that monsters at any dungeon depth where just rats or orks.. The pseudo code for this looks something like this: if player.getDungeonDepth > 4 then do something, bugfix to this was: if player.getDungeonDepth <> or vice versa, but you know my point : don't write code after midnight ;)
And my plans for games? Writing bug fixes of Sigmore Mines (if any left). I'm in the middle of creating new game for mobiles, nothing RPG,this time I wanted something easy, casual and what I will be able to develop fast. I'm also planning new RPG for mobiles, at the beginning I was thinking about continuation of Sigmour Mines (I've created design doc), but I added so many things/ideas/gameplay changes that I can't call it Sigmore Mines 2 :)
At university I'm still torturing XNA, this time shaders come to play, you can expect demo with per pixel phong lighting with attenuation, bump-mapping, paralax-mapping, reflection and reflaction.
I also want to learn Ruby language, master Ruby on Rails, and if I like Ruby maybe I will contribute to it in form of 2d game engine for RPG games (Ok there are such engines but this time it will be mine), time will show ;)