Monday, September 15, 2008

The big day tomorrow

Sorry for not posting lately. I didn't have much time to code or write anything. Tomorrow I'm defending my master thesis so wish me luck :).


Anonymous said...

Hope your thesis went well?!

I couple of suggestions and thoughts; i'd prefer if the key input could be minimised, for example your last used spell could be highlighted (instead of Back), or even better if there was an option to use the d-pad/joystick to move in menus, but you could use a number to select from a list.

So you would list spells with a number first -
1 Healing
2 Vision
3 Fireball
and instead of having to click down you could press the number on the keypad that corresponds for quicker entry.

Also maybe an option for condensed / verbose damage for the current separate screen or to display damage at the bottom of the screen? Then combat would be click left to hit - left - left, instead of the current click left (displays screen) - enter - left - enter - left - enter. This would help streamline the key entry also. The auto targeting in your video should help reduce input too.

Lastly a wait option off the main screen? NetHack/Moria/Angband had this IIRC, so if you're totally out of mana you could sleep/wait for 40 turns instead of having to run about. Obviously with the danger of monsters sneaking up on you ;-)

In general the game's good, but it is a bit cumbersome, partly to be expected as you dont have a full keyboard. Things like being able to save anywhere would be nice - if you only have 5 mins waiting for a train say, if you dont find a portal you cant get back to save and will lose that session - but could be abused unless you limit save-anywhere to 3 per day or something?

Look forwards to SM2 when you have time!

Kamil said...

Thanks for such a long comment:). I will answer you in more detail later, I've just returned to home from uni:) Now I'm officially master of computer science :).