Sunday, August 5, 2007

Project GAWIN : 5 August

I have implemented TextSceneNode class, now I can have descriptions of planets or spaceships floating near them on the screen. I'm thinking what to do next.. should I go for gui system, random solar system generator stuff, or maybe should I implement some basic functionality of spaceships?

Recently I have discovered a blog of someone who is just like me creating the same type of game, using the same technology - Java. Well he is even in my age :P. Hmm, a friendly competition? Cooperation? All I know that he has working gui stuff, so I have better get back to work ;) Here is a link to his work : Solariad


Stani said...

Probably friendly competition =) Cooperation is something I've avoided in the past because as long as I am going at it solo, I do not feel any pressure to perform.

The GUI stuff I have is very basic (focus handling is just haphazardly hacked together, for instance), but it's actually nearly 40% of my code, and it's nowhere near done (it still needs many custom widgets for stuff like radar, or damage gauges, or weapons). I found that working on it increased my motivation because I can see stuff on screen which is a direct result of coding. The obvious downside to working on GUI early is that you have little idea of what widgets and functionality you actually will need later on.

Anyway, thanks for the link =) I'll make sure to link back since we're working on very similar stuff.

Slayer Gothpaladin said...

Ahh, starting of a new friendship like programmer and programmer will be good... :)