Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sigmore Mines 2 - Village as menu or as...village?

As in title of this post. Do you prefer to access village "options" via menu system or you prefer to talk with shopkeepers "manually"?


Cheski said...

Manually seems to be the norm, but if a menu system can be utilized properly... that would keep players form having to run back and forth to the town to sell items, it could prove very helpful in speeding up game play.

Kamil said...

I think that you get me wrong.. You will still need to get to town to sell items. The questions is, after entering town, should the game just display "town options menu" or should you manually go to each shopkeeper to talk to him?

Anonymous said...

I would luv to see actual towns but for a game like this the menu system works best. especially on the go with a cell. The towns probably won't look much different. unless youre making a big difference in towns or something, its not nessarary to me based on the world youre making. if qit was a JRPG towns would be needed yes. but its a dungeon rogue style. Menu is perfect.

Kamil said...

I think I will try to implement towns:)

Cheski said...

I am so excited to see this come together! I think I understand more fully now.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the "town" would be a separate level as in Diablo where you could walk to different shopkeepers? That sounds pretty cool as long as the shops weren't too far from each other.

Kamil said...

Yes Dave, this is exactly what I want to make. Cool? ;)