Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cool comics

I'm regularly reading a few online comics which I really enjoy, and because recently I have stumbled upon new one which I think is really great, I have decided to share it with you my dear readers.

My newest finding is called "Looking For Group". Its dialogs are great, graphics is great and everything is great ;-). I bet Richard will be your favorite character, after all who doesn't like undead warlocks.

Other comic is "The Order of the Stick". Adventure in the D&D climates.

I advise you to start reading them from the beginning (look at the archives), because otherwise you will miss introduction to the characters and story plot.

And yes, I'm still working from time to time on Sigmore Mines.


Slayer Gothpaladin said...

Garfield is the first, the best, these will NOT beat him! :-P

Kamil said...

nah.. Garfield is nice, but sometimes boring..

Woody said...

If you like those, you'll love Goblins. The first comic is here:

It's similar to order of the stick, but told from the Goblin's point of view. Be sure to read them in order. ;)

Kamil said...

Thanks Woody, now all will know who to blame for distracting me from SM2 work ;). Yeah I like it :) but it is a bit more bloody comparing to my links.

Stani said...

I'm a big fan of MegaTokyo, as it happens. Not sure if it will float your boat, though. It's black and white after all :)